Well, we might as well face it. The world is getting smaller…Through the eyes of the internet, cultures collide and I want my child to be prepared, in the long run, for all aspects of life and understood when encountered…

That said, I began showing the MUZZY series, created by the BBC, when he was 24 months old. The first language??? Spanish, of course…With our Spanish population growing at an unbelievable rate and the Mexican border just below us, I thought it was the obvious choice.

The collection can be purchased separately OR in a box set. We chose the box set, which includes five (5) languages, English/ Spanish/ German/ Italian/ French.

Does it work??? Well, I wasn’t sure until a couple of weeks ago, I heard him counting to ten…ONE…TWO…THREE…etc. and when he got to TEN, he began to count in Spanish…UNO…DOS…TRES…etc. I was stunned!!!

I had NO idea that he knew his numbers in Spanish, but more importantly, at that moment, I realized the comprehension. He KNEW that the Spanish numbers were the correlation to the English numbers. AMAZING!!!

Next up…FRANCAIS. 🙂